Empowering you
to succeed

Discover the power within you to create the life and career you've always dreamed of. Let's work smarter, think bigger, and unleash your true potential



Clarifying your goals, overcoming obstacles and maximising your potential with guided support.

From £100 per session


Decluttering, optimising space and creating functional systems to promote efficiency and a sense of calm.

From £350 per half day session


Unlocking your full potential by building habits for success.

From £10 per workshop

About me

Coaching and organising for me, is not just a profession; it's a deep-rooted passion for nurturing potential and facilitating growth. My journey into founding Higher Woman was sparked by a desire to make a tangible difference in people's lives, particularly in their careers and in how they balance this with their lives outside work. I am particularly interested in how coaching can be used to transform both a client's inner world, and their outer environment to enable them to create the systems and support they need to be successful.

I have over two decades of experience in recruitment and talent management and, looking for a change myself, I found myself drawn to coaching and professional organising as a powerful tool for driving individual transformation. Seeing the pivotal role of coaching on my own career path, I decided to take the leap and train as a professional coach.

What excites me about coaching is its ability to catalyse personal and professional growth. Through coaching, I have the privilege of walking alongside individuals as they navigate their career journeys, supporting them in overcoming challenges, amplifying their strengths, and ultimately, achieving their fullest potential.

Likewise, by building great systems to support working professionals I believe we can alleviate some of the mental load that goes with the daily juggle of being a boss inside and outside the office.

Hannah Harrison


“Higher Woman is about empowering women to feel more in control, to build systems and habits to help you think and work smarter and to enable you to reach your potential.”


  • "My sessions with Hannah so far have been very enlightening. She gently takes me out of my comfort zone to explore where I want to take my career and what's holding me back from pursuing the work and projects I know I am capable of. Hannah is calm, focused and patient – she brings clarity to my muddled mind and gives me time to unlock the answers that are right for me. I leave our sessions feeling positive, understanding myself and my motivations better, and confident that I have the tools to achieve my goals"


  • "I first came to Hannah at a crossroads in my career. She helped me to prioritise a timeline to suit my needs rather than bending to those around me and explore potential roles, how they would feel and fit into the rest of my life. Hannah is very easy to talk to, asks good questions to help dig deeper past my own assumptions and understanding, and is a positive and reassuring presence. After my sessions with Hannah I feel more secure in my decision making and ready to put plans into action"


  • "Hannah helped me unravel the mess that my life had become. Her calm countenance and her intuitive signposting allowed me to review my life choices and evaluate their merits. She knew the right questions to ask, gave me the space to speak and cut through the noise. Through her I found the right answers to the questions I wasn’t brave enough to ask myself, and she did all of this with professionalism and most importantly with empathy and a smile"


  • “Hannah was brilliant – she helped me to tackle what I thought was a lack of storage space in my kitchen. It turns out with a bit of (re)organisation, I actually have more than enough space! Hannah was terrific at asking about the problems, coming up with a plan to address them, and then working together with me to implement a system that works. I’m so grateful and cannot recommend Hannah highly enough!”


  • “Hannah in one word would be exceptional. It’s very easy to feel self conscious about decluttering, but at no point did I feel judged but instead, safe, comfortable and reassured at each stage. I underestimated how much this incomplete project weighed on me mentally. That weight has now been lifted and Hannah truly made it as painful as possible. I’m excited for you to work with Hannah and experience the same.”
